
University of changing the world with specialized training

Department of Liberal Studies


Do it your way!

The Department of Liberal Studies was established to nurture creative and independent talents for modern society. Students have the freedom to design their own academic paths by choosing from the university’s five colleges and 32 departments (excluding five health-related programs). They can select from aviation, engineering, humanities, social sciences, design, marine studies, sports, and other interdisciplinary fields.

Even after declaring a major, students remain part of the department, enjoying exclusive privileges such as participating in departmental activities, events, clubs, and extracurricular programs. With these privileges, students are encouraged to freely design their own futures.

* Certain majors, such as Aviation Operations and Helicopter Pilot Studies, require medical certificates from government-designated hospitals, and majors in the arts require departmental approval based on practical skills.

** The five excluded departments are Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Radiology, Nursing, and Dental Hygiene.

Educational Objectives

The Department of Liberal Studies was established to nurture creative and self-directed individuals who will lead modern society. Students in this department have the freedom to design their own academic paths by selecting from all majors offered by the university—spanning fields such as aviation, engineering, humanities, social sciences, design, marine studies, and sports—except for five health-related majors (**). They can also explore interdisciplinary and combined majors without restrictions.

Even after selecting a major, students remain part of the Department of Liberal Studies and enjoy exclusive privileges, including participation in student council activities, departmental events, clubs, and extracurricular programs.
With these privileges, students are empowered to freely design their own futures.

  • Certain majors, such as Aviation Operations and Helicopter Pilot Studies, require medical certificates from government-designated hospitals, and majors in the arts require departmental approval based on practical skills.

  • The five excluded departments are Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Radiology, Nursing, and Dental Hygiene.

Department of
Liberal Studies
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  • Application.