University of changing the world with specialized training
The mission of the Air Transportation - Air Traffic Control program is to produce air traffic controllers who are regarded as the benchmark for the air transportation industry worldwide.
To produce graduates with an understanding of the overall structure and characteristics of the air transport industry.
To produce graduates with knowledge of airport operation and management.
To produce graduates with specialized knowledge in the operation of air transport systems (air traffic control).
To produce graduates with an industry appropriate knowledge of English and an understanding of the application of aeronautical information.
To instill and foster the need for lifelong learning through exposure to innovative Air Traffic Control practices, leading-edge technology, and artificial intelligence applications.
To broaden the graduate’s scope for understanding and appreciation of the liberal arts and humanities, environmental sciences, and global issues.
A comprehensive assessment plan is written and implemented by the School of Aeronautical Science faculty and staff to meet requirements set forth by the Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI) and HanSeo University. Systematic direct and indirect assessment tools enable continuous improvement in meeting program educational goals, student learning outcomes, curriculum mapping, measurement methodology, results reporting, and action plan development as well as informing further assessment plan development.
The assessment plan for 2023 has confirmed that we are meeting our program educational goals. Despite this, it also includes recommendations and acknowledges planned changes which will help us as we strive to become a global leader in aviation & aeronautics.