
University of changing the world with specialized training

Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Maintenance


The aviation industry is rapidly developing on several fronts. To meet the demands of these developments, aviation-related expertise and an educational environment tailored to the changing aviation industry are required.

At HanSeo University, the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Maintenance provides an advanced educational and research environment designed to nurture creative talents in its graduate engineers who are capable of leading research and technology development in the field of aviation mechanical engineering.

As the first comprehensive aviation education facility in the Asia Pacific, HanSeo University’s TaeAn campus is well equipped with design programs and equipment to allow wind tunnel experiments and virtual experimental equipment necessary for designing aircraft hydraulics to enable students to understand aircraft structure and design through experimentation.

The Educational Goal

  • To cultivate of research abilities and expertise in aircraft structure and design.

  • To embed an understanding of field adaptability through experimental and practical education.

  • To cultivate the ability to actively respond to globalization through education in cutting-edge industrial technology.

Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Maintenance
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